Bouquet "Freedom" - 100 red roses
Bouquet “Candlelight” - mix of 100 garden roses
Bouquet “Mandarin & Pink Expression” - mix of 100 garden roses
Bouquet "Playa Blanca" - 100 white roses
Floral Room Decoration №1
4 colors available
Bouquet "Explorer" - 100 red roses
Bouquet “50 French Roses” (ONLY MIAMI)
Flower basket “Rosy Splendor" - roses, calla lilies, ranunculuses
WOW-ARRANGEMENT “500 roses” - red roses in a white vase
Floral arrangements “From Paris with love” - French roses
Floral arrangement “Renaissance” - orchids, roses, anemones
Bouquet in a vase “Pink & white” - 100 roses
Flower box “Angel's cheeks” - french roses, ranunculuses
Flower box “Designed to surprise” - garden roses, ranunculuses, anemones
Flower box “Fallen angel” - garden roses, hydrangeas, anthuriums
Flower box “Call me back” - roses, hydrangeas, stock
Bouquet “Don’t get greedy” - 360 red roses
Flower Basket “Candy Crush” - french roses, ranunculuses
Flower Basket "Whispering Angel" - ranunculuses, hydrangeas
Woven Basket "Miracle" - garden roses, hydrangeas
Mono Bouquet "Blue Delphiniums"
WOW-ARRANGEMENT “Barbie’s dream” - peonies, ranunculuses, hydrangeas
WOW-Bouquet “The very best” - mix of garden roses