Bouquet "Chamomile Field" - roses, chamomiles, delphiniums, carnations (ONLY MIAMI)
"Chamomile Field" is a serene bouquet blending playa blanca roses, chamomiles, delphinium. The ivory roses stand gracefully amidst the cheerful chamomiles and vibrant blue delphiniums. Luxurious white peonies add an air of romance.
Bound together with a rustic twine or soft ribbon, "Chamomile Field" is not just a bouquet, but a picturesque representation of nature's beauty and the tranquil charm of a blooming meadow. This enchanting bouquet is an ideal gift for expressing affection, love, and appreciation on any special occasion or celebration. Its allure lies in its simplicity, evoking a sense of nostalgia and the joys of strolling through a serene field of wildflowers.
Bound together with a rustic twine or soft ribbon, "Chamomile Field" is not just a bouquet, but a picturesque representation of nature's beauty and the tranquil charm of a blooming meadow. This enchanting bouquet is an ideal gift for expressing affection, love, and appreciation on any special occasion or celebration. Its allure lies in its simplicity, evoking a sense of nostalgia and the joys of strolling through a serene field of wildflowers.