Bouquet “Love by Hydra” - mixed of Holland pink and white hydrangeas
The Love by Hydra bouquet is a stunning arrangement of pink and white blooms that exudes elegance and romance. This bouquet is the perfect way to express your love and affection for someone special.
Flowers: This bouquet features a mix of Dutch pink roses and white hydrangeas. The roses are known for their classic beauty and symbol of love, while the hydrangeas add a touch of whimsy and romance.
Colors: The pink and white color palette is a timeless choice for expressing love and affection. The pink roses represent passion and romance, while the white hydrangeas symbolize purity and innocence.
Overall impression: The Love by Hydra bouquet is a luxurious and elegant arrangement that is sure to make a lasting impression. It is the perfect gift for any occasion, from birthdays and anniversaries to Valentine's Day and Mother's Day.
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+1(954)664-1272 Hallandale
+1(561)663-2793 Brickell
+1(917)974-4935 New York