Bouquet "Honey" - sunflowers, stock
The Honey Bouquet is a beautiful and vibrant arrangement that is sure to brighten up any day. It is made up of sunflowers, which are known for their large, bright yellow petals. Sunflowers are a symbol of happiness and optimism, and they are sure to make a statement in any room. The bouquet also includes stock, which is a delicate flower that comes in a variety of colors. Stock is known for its sweet fragrance, and it adds a touch of elegance to the bouquet.
The Honey Bouquet is perfect for any occasion, from a birthday to a holiday. It is also a great way to show someone you care. The bouquet is sure to put a smile on anyone's face.
Here are some additional details about the Honey Bouquet:
- The bouquet is approximately 12 inches in diameter and 18 inches tall.
- The sunflowers are in full bloom and have a bright yellow color.
- The stock is a light pink color and has a sweet fragrance.
- The bouquet is wrapped in a clear cellophane wrap and tied with a raffia bow.
To care for the Honey Bouquet:
- Place the bouquet in a vase of fresh water.
- Change the water every day.
- Keep the bouquet in a cool, out of direct sunlight.
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